Friday, October 30, 2009

Portrait of a Badger

There is a crick in my neck because I've had my head down making and storing, like the badger here. I'd practically finished everything for two shows in November, so Thursday was set aside for painting and making new pieces for my lately neglected Etsy shop.
But I woke up Thursday thinking uh oh, feeling a bit low. Was it the dreaded Pork Pie Flu?
So I slogged around the house, in a blue checkered nightie, peachy striped socks and two different flowered tee shirts. Oh, and hair that looked even worse than when I'd just alighted from the Tilt-o-World at the County Fair. Then this morning, things were different. I felt like I could paint a comittee of badgers, and make them supper too. I think it was the chicken stock I had for dinner and the fresh fruit. And maybe a little bit was the antibiotic the Dr. gave me.

The badger joins the rabbit, who dreams of living in a house by the sea. A house with many windows. All the animals are members of the Ambleside Association for the protection of the countryside, hedgerows, dells , and woodland.

It felt awfully swell to go out to my studio with real clothes. Although I still think the hair needs work.

And I even came up with an idea for all these pieces of my broken pottery which involves drill bits and waxed linen thread.

New pieces in the works for my little store with the always open sign freshly washed and the door knocker polished.
That bracelet is by the talented Pamela of Thatch and Burrow
i promise a better picture of this lovely piece soon.


Wish on a Whisker said...

Julie~ So nice to know you are feeling better. Your hair looks good to me. I spend most of my days running around the house with wild hair and yours doesn't come close. (smile) Love your box of pretty broken bits! Also, love the winter rabbit with the lantern. Merry Halloween! ~Mandy

Anonymous said...

whitty. i had a feeling you were feeling punky. as ever it's grand to see your work and not to mention the back of your head.! xoxox Basil Seeds.

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

Happy that you´re feeling better!
Love the atmosphere in your photos, would like to be there with you,
drinking tea and taking some nice photos of you,
(with the bad hair),working in you studio,
taking care of all your "Fairy Tales Friends"!
Where are your shows?
Lots of love

cabin fever said...

Hi Julie-
So glad you're feeling better.

What a delightful new post - you look adorable!

LOVE the pottery in the box.......???

And the rabbit!!! I join him in wanting that house by the sea - the one with all the windows.

Happy Halloween Booooooo
Xoxo Liz

nina said...

oh you are such a TEASE with the photos of work - oh! you are. as for your hair? you and i must be related, we must. in my book, you look fine!!! xxxxxx

Pamela said...

Why must we all fall sick in this needed time of production? The holiday's are nearly upon us!
Sorry you had the ick, too. Glad you are feeling better!

I love seeing all the little bits and bobs of stuff you are working on in your studio. I tried peeking hard into every corner of each photograph so I was sure not to miss a thing!

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the first bird bracelet on your wrist. It thrills me! SO glad you are happy together.

Happy Halloweeeeeeen, btw!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

Loved the new post....and I too love that box of treasured pices...

The new portraits are wonderful. Love the house by the a Maine off of that.....

Happy Halloween


Batty Mae said...

So delightful to see your new work and the enchanting ideas you are creating. Glad to hear you're on the mend, nothing like some chicken broth and tea. Happy Halloween!
Bugs and hisses!!! Batty
(Pearl sends licks and barks to Emma)

hens teeth said...

Oh your lovely, gentle, skilled work. So very beautiful.
So sorry you have been poorly, I hope you are fully recovered now.
Looking forward to seeing your new creations. x

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Lovely post, Julie - you have been busy. Am looking forward to seeing just what you do with those very interesting pieces of pottery! Lesley x

colleen baptista said...

Julie ~I am so glad you are feeling better. Fall is much too wonderful of a time to be under the weather. I can't wait to see what you are going to make with that box of treasures*

oldflowers4me said...

oh how i so want to come and sip lemonade with you-

Becky said...

Hi Julie, thanks for stopping by. Glad you did, because I have just been looking through your blog and I love your work (just seen Fantastic Mr Fox so loving all things featuring wild animals at the moment). Hope you get to make some of the banana bread soon!

lilylovekin said...

Loved the post. I want to see what you are doing with the pieces and the waxed linen. I'm sure it is fun.

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Thank you dear readers for your encouragement with the pottery bits. I am now fortified to begin my first piece today and will share the outcome with you soon


Unknown said...

Oh looking at the process of the work and the box with the ceramic goodies Was pure delight!!! Ps I too drink from the hose!!

Animals who garden

Animals who garden
Donkey with green paw