This summer day I got dressed, grabbed my favorite apron and went to the plum tree.

This California native plum is in my mother's backyard and its forty feet tall. I set my basket in the crook of a limb and got to picking.

There are thousands of plums this year. More than I've ever seen in the twenty years I've been picking them.

I filled my basket and picked some for a friend and went to deliver. We ended up visiting for an hour. We talked about cooking, and books and even canning.

Home again with my basket, and some fresh geraniums from mom's garden.

Don't they look just like rosebuds? After the flowers fade I plant them and they just root so well. I've got rosebud geraniums all over the garden.

I decided to make a clafouti. My first one. I mixed it up and put in in the oven.

I did a little housework.

Well, I washed the dishes at least!

Emptied the kiln

The clafouti was done so I tried a piece. I sifted powdered sugar over it just like they do in France.

I thought it would be more like cake, but it was almost like a fruit custard. I guess I liked it, though.

I've still got an awful lot of plums. And the tree is laden still!

So I ordered a new canning book. I've heard good things about this. I'll let you know.
Might be plum jam appearing on my shelves soon.
hope you are having a wonderful summer