Thursday, June 7, 2012


I've been inspired to paint hollyhocks lately. They start out humbly at the back of the garden , just mostly gangly stems and lettuce like leaves~

and before long, they are stealing the whole show. Kind of like sunflowers do, except hollyhocks are more girly.

There have even been books written about what to do with the blossoms and seed heads,

make dolls of course!

Dogs find they are a good place to seek some shade when summer starts to come on stronger

I prefer the old fashioned single petal variety

Nantucket wonderfulness. If they can grow here, where its surrounded by the sea and sometimes windy and foggy, they can make it almost anywhere.

In town, too. Do they grow where you live?

I've got a hollyhock cup to give away to a random commenter, pinched and porcelain and just right for sipping tea or wine from while you admire your own stand of flowers, or pour over seed catalogs picking out the best colors and perfect spot for the 'Althea Rosea'

Against that back fence maybe?




Robin Larkspur said...

Hollyhocks say "Summer Days" and remind me of way back when in childhood! Beautiful photos of hollyhocks, and your beautiful cup is sweet as can be! Lovely post!

Dreaming Woods said...

Hollyhocks reminds me of dear Tasha Tudor. Do you have her garden book? it is one of my favorite books...

Summer is a magical time. Such a wonderful plants i find which are new to me.

Robin Larkspur said...

Julie, I was just visiting your Etsy shop, and it seems the cupboards are bare. Is there another way to purchase your beautiful pottery?

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Julie...hollyhocks are so beautiful!!! I think they are very easy to grow here too in make me want to plant some! I would love, LOVE to win the beautiful cup, your work is wonderful to me ~ hugs and love, Dawn

Country Rabbit said...

such a beautiful posting, hollyhocks covered our garden when i was a child...they would wave in the breeze with their heavy heads ;0)x

Lovejoy Bears said...

Hello Julie,
I always admire your beautifully painted hollyhocks, they're one of my favourite flowers and I have them growing here in my garden in England. They're also on my list of flowers to make in miniature for my dollshouse garden :)
It's so wonderful that flowers and nature inspire so much creativity. I love those tiny bees you've painted with the hollyhocks on your cup. I can almost hear them buzzing!!
vicky xxxx

Sally said...

I love hollyhocks, they sum up country gardens to me and your hollyhock cup with the buzzy bees is so beautiful! They grow very well here in Lincolnshire! What a fabulous giveaway someone will be very lucky!
Sally xx

Sally said...

I love hollyhocks, they sum up english country garden to me, and your hollyhock cup with buzzy bees is beautiful! They do grow very well in Lincolnshire I have to say! What a lovely giveaway and someone will be very lucky! Sally xx

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Robin, I'm listing tomorrow , Friday,
some plates and cups; if there's something you are especially wondering about, just email me

millefeuilles said...

Oh my, oh my! I was gasping at the beauty of your hollyhock cup and then I read you were gifting it! Oh my goodness; it's Christmas in June :-)

I used to wonder about hollyhocks: the leaves can get a bit tatty sometimes if left unkempt but now I understand the attraction. I am also surprised to see how they are blooming in your corner of the world: here in the Loire Valley they simply haven't happened yet. I recall in July last year writing a post about hollyhocks.

I love your blog, Julie. I feel so happy coming here. I simply know one day soon I will be purchasing some of your treasures.


sandra said...

I absolutely love Hollyhocks, they remind me of my Nanas garden in British Columbia. So whimsical and papery and the colors are always so beautiful. I would love to be the lucky winner of your hollyhock cup to go with my new flower basket one that I just got in the mail XO

blissfulsally said...

Hollyhocks! I love this post and will be hunting for the sweet vintage book on eBay.

pat said...

Julie, I do remember making hollyhock dolls when I was a bit younger, and I must confess, still making them for those special someone's that come for visits.. As for the cup... well, I drink both.. yup, tea or wine, whatever the occasion...over looking the back yd sitting in the garden ..would be devine.

kathyd said...

i love hollyhocks ! i am sad they really do not grow well in the desert.
i miss my garden in northern california .

Madelief said...

Dear Julie,

It's always a joy to look at the beautiful paintings and pottery. It all looks like a fairytale!

I share your love for the hollyhock. They are inspirational flowers indeed.

Have a lovely weekend!

Madelief x

homegirl said...

aHi Julie, I love your blog. We have hollyhocks growing here in the south of the south island of NZ. They are one of my favourite Nanna had them in her wedding bouquet, and had them pinned at the waist of her wedding dress. One double ruffled one on each side, it looked very pretty.
What a beautiful giveaway for some lucky person.

Susan Jonsson said...

Just love the sweet hollyhock cup! I have a mystery holly hock growing next to my pond. I have no idea how it got there...Bird gift? Holly hocks don't do well here in West Washington...ususally. I remember them growing up in the Eastern part of the state....A very fond memory.


Susan Jonsson said...

My comment disappeared? I wanted to say how much I love the holly hock cup....and that I have a mystery hollyhock growing by my pond...a gift from a bird? Hollyhocks thrive in Eastern Washington...not so well here in Kirkland...W.WA.

littlemancat said...

Love hollyhocks! Even their name is wonderful. I too like the single ones best. Your blog is so good- wonderful photos,thoughts,and oh those pots! Someday I know I will buy something from you.

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Oh, the hollyhocks are marvellous Julie - as is your painting and cup. Hope I win! Lesley x

Lori ann said...

dear julie, i am random. hee hee.

hollyhocks are gorgeous! they make me want to put on a skirt and swirl around like they do in a breeze. there are so many here in our town there is even a shop called hollyhock cottage. love your hollyhock painting and post!!
xxx lori

Claire said...

Oh Julie, I just love Hollyhocks and each Summer I keep thinking how I must grow some, but never get I'm starting early. I love these flowers and had to smile when I read 'they are like Sunflowers only more girly" My mum used to grow them and in my mind they (amongst others) are the quintessential cottage garden flower.
After seeing your photos Julie I must plant lots in a variety of colours.

Your painting is just wonderful as is the cup....

Heavy frost here this morning, but a beautiful day to follow.....Have a great weekend

Claire x

angela recada said...

Oh I adore hollyhocks! They make a place look so cozy. I tried growing them, but the rabbits ate them all before they could bloom. I don't really see them much here in Wisconsin anymore, now that I think of it. Maybe it's because of all the hungry rabbits.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hollyhocks are the stars in my faery garden. I even have Black Magic ones that are mezmerizing the bees and turtle who live in the faery garden. I would love to send you some seeds if you like. Oma Linda

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Even their name is cool sounding. The farm stand I frequent in the summer sells them. They are so pretty.

Jan said...

I love hollyhocks! Your cup is so wonderful of you to give us a chance to win it.

Valerianna said...

Lovely post, Julie... sadly, tucked into the forest here, I don't think hollyhocks would grow well, but, I've actually never tried them, maybe I should!

The dog is so sweet amongst the blooms, as is the aproned woman - and your cup, precious!

Anonymous said...

i love hollyhocks.....but was not able to grow them here in florida.....tried my darndest.....had a hard time with sweet peas also.......very old fashiony flowers.......good to hear you have been having fun painting!

kerry lane said...

Julie! I am just the random commentor you are looking for and I would love to sip out of this hollyhock cup!
xo Kerry

Anonymous said...

You are so right about Hollyhocks, they do steal the show. The school where I work has them in the flower beds and I love watching them seeing the bees rushing from flower to flower. Your beautiful cup captures that picture.

jen storer said...

I jadore hollyhocks My mother has them in her garden in Bendigo, Australia. Think, hot, dry, gold gully dust.
Your work is just blossoming with deliciousness Julie! xx

Debbie said...

Julie, your hollyhock cup is beautiful. . . Hollyhocks are grown in the garden of my Kindergarten. The children not only love them for their height and beautiful colors but for the insects hollyhocks attract. The life cycle of the painted lady butterflies -- eggs (often too small to be spotted), caterpillars, chrysalis and then the butterflies -- all ongoing in our hollyhock garden!

Julie, thank you for your frequent and magical postings. xxx

Elderberry-Rob said...

I have no hollyhocks in my garden although I do love them - I think they take a long time to grow/flower and I am too impatient to wait for them! I would love to sip cinnamon tea in your beautiful cup, a stick of cinnamon bark in hot water makes a lovely drink.

Pixie said...

Hi Julie, Hollyhocks grow abundantly here in England, they grace a large amount of our gardens, they are very popular....beautiful post as always, such a joy to stop by here for a read..

Pixie xx

Flutterby Patch said...

Oh Julie! I adore hollyhocks. Old paintings of cottage gardens always feature them standing regally at the back of the flower border. But sadly in many parts of Britain hollyhocks are difficult to grow as they are destroyed by the dreaded 'rust' fungus. It's all due to our damp climate. I wonder if this can be a problem in some parts of the States. Gorgeous creations as always. Eli x

Annie Lightbulb said...

All your art is so pretty!

Margaret said...

Oh my gosh, I would so love to win the cup! I love hollyhocks. lol!

Ingrid Lavoie said...

Hollyhocks remind me of my Father-in-law, who is now deceased. He helped me plan our garden when my husband and I bought our first home.

JenMeister said...

Love the "Hollyhock lane" picture... and the colours in the cup... and the busy bees...

Susan Wells said...

Thank you for your writing and pictures Julie. And for bringing me to my heart on the cape by way of the California and the cyber world! I cannot grow hollyhocks in this moment for all of our shade, but what is not to adore about them!

Anna M. Branner said...

I so love the imagery on your pots! And the Hollyhocks are just perfect. I've never had much luck getting many to grow. Maybe it is too hot in my area of Virginia? Or maybe it's me!

Anna M. Branner said...

PooF! My comment disappeared. I love your imagery! I never have much luck growing hollyhocks. Maybe its too hot in my area of Virginia?

sharon said...

Oh goodness! Thanks for the chance generous of you! I have a garden, with delphiniums, foxgloves, and evreything I can fit......but no hollyhocks! I used to plant them religiously, but every year they got some type of mildew disease, so I gave up, but I miss them! Love your post Julie, and of course your work!

Cathy Mckean said...

I discovered your site about a month ago and I just LOVE your work! It makes me feel like taking up pottery! The Hollyhocks are beautiful.

Jayne said...

Love Hollyhocks! Fond memories of my Grandfather who grew the most beautiful Hollyhocks I have ever seen. I haven't been as successful but continue to try. Love the cup.

Mary Stanley said...

I always think of you when I see the hollyhocks blooming in our little community of Painted Cave.
Love your new pieces and always a joy to visit your blog and share a peek at your world.

Barb said...

When I moved to my very first house with my husband there was nothing but rocks in the front yard. With no lawn whatsoever I toiled like a crazy woman to remove all of the red "ornamental" rocks and planted a sea of hollyhocks. It was the best lawn ever!

leon 10 said...

lovely nice painthing beautiful colors like it leon10

Zuda Gay Pease said...

Hollyhocks remind me of my Grandpa. He had a huge stand of them growing at side of his garage. I LOVED them! I could sit and play "dolls" with them all day. Thank you for this lovely post. I would love to drink my tea from your sweet cup.

Sabrina R. Molinar said...

I adore hollyhocks! Not much room in my small garden,but I hope to plant some behind the roses next year.

smartcat said...

My big sister used to make me hollyhocks ladies when I was a little girls. Thanks for a wonderful memory!

catkin tales said...

i adore hollyhocks! and they do seem to start off like awkward teenagers and blossom into grande dames :)
this is a gorgeous post. there is nothing quite like country garden flowers and delightful pottery with fat hens and sandy dogs.

thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. our dear friend anita is such an inspiration.

wishing you a lovely weekend, with lots of good garden weather xx

Unknown said...

Someday soon we will live in Cambria too~~in the meantime, we will enjoy your photos & thoughts....and our visits up the coast.....and be inspired!!

Unknown said...

Someday soon we will live in Cambria too~~in the meantime, we will enjoy your photos & thoughts....and our visits up the coast.....and be inspired!!

lynne h said...

are you kidding me, a hollyhock cup? oh me, me, me please!

and this painting! oh!! you and lisa graham are inspiring me *so much*!!


Aprilgirl said...

Beautiful Hollyhocks! They must not thrive in the Pacific Northwest so I get to enjoy them through your lovely pottery, paintings, and photos. We are having our typical "Juneary" (this term is all over the local weather report) so I love to see all of the beautiful blossoms and flowers in your wonderful blogs!

Doreen said...

Julie, when my husband and I married 25 years ago and bought our 1st (only) home, Hollyhocks were the 1st flowers to be planted other than my herb garden. Still love the single ones and cannot get enough of them.

Kathryn Glover said...

Julie, You inspire me so much with your pictures and poetry.... and, of course, your work. Happy Summertime!

annamaria potamiti said...


Peggy said...

i love hollyhocks too. they are such happy flowers. love your pottery too. i found you on mary stanley's blog.

Peggy said...

i love hollyhocks too. they are such happy flowers. i love your pottery too.

Deb said...

How gorgeous Julie ♥
Beautiful Hollyhock painting (love that little dog) & post!
Have a wonderful weekend.

maria said...

Every summer when my boys were younger we would go camping for our summer holidays in the interior or British Columbia. Invariably we would always see hollyhocks blooming no matter which small town we were passing through. Your beautiful porcelain hollyhocks remind me of my kids and those sweet summer days!

maria said...

When my boys were younger, every summer we would go camping in the interior of British Columbia. Invariably we would always see hollyhocks no matter which small town we were passing through. Your beautiful porcelain hollyhocks remind me of those sweet summer days!

Jacky said...

I could definately find a spot for your beautiful 'althea rose' sweet. You can almost hear the bees buzzing! Please put me in the draw.

I love your hollyhocks, the beautiful garden flowers.

Jacky xox

PCovi said...

Gorgeous Hollyhocks!! I haven't grown them but Mama has. I love them...and your pottery!!! That painting is adorable!

Aunt Jenny said...

I adore hollyhocks...and have pink ones out front of my old house that re-seed every year. My grandma grew them at her house..all colors. This year I planted more seeds out back..more colors and I can hardly wait to see them bloom!!
Have a great week

Helen Philipps said...

Oh I do love hollyhocks and combined with your sweet pottery they are perfect! I have some in my garden being rained on at the moment.....just the leafy part, no flowers yet.
I would absolutely LOVE a hollyhock cup!
Have a happy weekend, Julie.
Helen x said...

Hi Julie

What a serendipitous find you are! How beautfiul is your darling pottery? I'm instantly WOW'd and in love with your work.

Please can you add me to your list to notify of your new sales?

Thank you so much.


jone hallmark said...

Hollyhocks are EVERYWHERE here is Santa Fe. They climb the stucco walls and really "stand out" against the color. I once illustrated a little "how to" on making dolls from the blossoms - so cool!
It is a real sign of SUMMER......wonderful!

love your little cup!

polkadotpeticoat said...

Your bowls are amazing.... love Hollyhocks......and those pretty!

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Thanks so much for all your comments!
Dear Koo, I tried to add you to my list, but there is no link to your blog or e mail, so sorry.......

Doris Petersen said...

julie - I love the single hollyhocks too, yours are spectacular! I would *Love* the little hollyhock cup you made.. as if reading your blog and enjoying your wonderful art was not enough! Thank you for giving us all the chance to win it.


Ahipara Girl said...

your hollyhock cup looks like a garden in one's hands. we don't have a garden here. hollyhocks are gorgeous cos they are tall and arresting. x

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hi Julie,
I love Hollyhocks and I am impatiantly-patiantly waiting fo mine to bloom here in W-NY! We moved here last year so I do not know what color they will be! Joy joy joy I can not wait!
Oh how nice t'would be to have that hollyhock cup wth me! (grinny smile) ;-D
Blessings ,Linnie

Unknown said...

So very lovely! Hollyhocks remind of English cottage gardens with foxglove and roses. Thank you for the opportunity!

farmlady said...

I'm waiting for mine to bloom. They truly mean summer to me. I wait for them to transform the garden and I can see why you love to paint them.
Love the oval plate with the lady, chicken and dog. Beautiful!!

Paula said...

Hello sweet Julie, What a delightful post! I love all of the beautiful photos and images you shared. I love Hollyhocks, but have only been successful in growing them once here in Louisiana. I thought it may be too hot and humid for them, but I have seen them growing profusely in other gardens and next door in Texas, so it must be me! Yours are just beautiful and you have inspired me to try again next year. Your painting is beautiful and so cheerful, as is the lovely plate. The sweet doggie looks quite happy in the shade of the pretty hollyhocks. Your hollyhock cup with the bees is so sweet and beautiful! How lovely of you to give it away. Have a wonderful Sunday! Love, Paula xo

Alison Howard said...

Your pottery makes my heart sing! I love the story book quality of your work, your posts, and your creative life. As a potter who is now back to work as a librarian full time, thanks for reminding me to see art in the everyday.
Looking forward to what you create next!

Anonymous said...

Oh Julie, your lovely things and view of the world always put a smile on my face, thank you.

Hollyhocks do grow here, but their leaves tend to become pretty rusty usually, which is a shame. I do love them though. My Aunt Audrey used to have a tiny little white house with a great big garden, and she grew lots of them when I was a little girl. I wonder if they always seem magical, as tall and ruffley as they are, to little girls?


madeleine said...

Hi Julie, I just discover your beautiful works of art on Etsy,but there aren't any for sale. When do you think you'll be listing on Etsy? I love the spoons, cups, flower pots heck I love them all!

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Dear Madeleine,

Thanks for your comment!
I am going to list next week on Etsy, and do a preview here first, I am waiting for a new temp. guage on my kiln so haven't been able to fire for a few days. I'm hoping for Thursday~

Eggs In My Pocket said...

As always, your pottery work is just beautiful. Hollyhocks used to grow along the white board fence of my childhood home. The were tall and lovely. I was very young and tried to capture a bumble bee that was inside of a Hollyhock, by simply closing the petals on it. I got a good stinging lesson to never try that again!

Theresa said...

Julie I have always loved Hollyhocks. My grandmother always had then in her garden (many different colors) and my mother has her beautiful pink ones. I had a dark purple almost black set in our front yard but I am sad to say I've seen no sign of them this year. I'm wondering if they died off.

Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

Hi Julie,

The cup is charming, and I absolutely love the painting! And yes, hollyhocks are wonderful. :)

Trudy said...

Your cup is beautiful! Hollyhocks makes me think of two women in their gardens, chatting over the fence. Such a beautiful flower, think I may need to grow some in my front garden.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the hollyhock cup. Hollyhocks remind me of my grandmother who always pronounced them holly a child, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what those beautiful flowers had to do with hawks!!

I'd be so honored to own the little cup. I really enjoyed this post. The sweet book makes me want to open it and read what it has to say!

Love from Diane in North Carolina

Amy said...


Absolutely lovely, I hope I win!

Lynette Anderson said...

Your work is always inspiring and I would love to own everything you make x I recently used Hollyhocks as the inspiration for my newest fabric collection, its called Hollyhock Cottage by Lecien fabrics.
best wishes
Lynette Anderson

Anonymous said...

Your blog is always such a lovely spot! I love hollyhocks and my oldest daughter's name is Rose Althea... :)

NanaBeast said...

You capture the sweet and happy nature of hollyhocks perfectly in your pottery and painting. I didn't discover hollyhocks until I was in my 40s and have since claimed them as a favorite. I like the single variety best, too.

Lisa Graham said...

I love Hollyhocks...they are so summery. Your painting is wonderful you pretty pots. I am waiting for the right one show up one day and then NAB it ...which is what one has to do when it comes to your pots. : )

I really enjoyed the post prior to this too. It's like a little dose of summer to go with summer.

Robin C said...

I hope I'm not too late. I just saw this post. I was in the hospital and haven't had a computer. I love hollyhocks. I just planted seeds this summer and hope they do well.

rosemary said...

julie, your work is one of a kind just like you and me.. lovely..i must go see if we can grow hollyhocks in florida. happy day to you. xo

calamityjane(t) said...

oh, this is lovely! your work is so delicate and pure.

Jeana said...

Love the hollyhocks. The busy bees add music to your compositions.

Carol said...

Hollyhocks are my absolute favorite flower!

Vicki Boster said...

Well- that'll teach me to be gone so long!! I sure gate that I missed this great chance-- the cup is gorgeous!!
I love hollyhocks-- have great memories of seeing them at my great grandmas house--

Animals who garden

Animals who garden
Donkey with green paw